I own a WD-52628 model. The 52 inch sister to this very model. It actually uses a similar lamp to the 65 inch model. This review applies to ALL MITSUBISHI REAR PROJECTION HD TVs.
After 3 years of ownership, the tv has had numerous problems. Each time the tv is "out" for repairs, it has been in a repair shop for at least 3 months. Maintenance has only taken it out of action for 2-3 weeks waiting for the lamps. I view maintenance and repair as two seperate items.
The first problem that occurred was the blinking red light and no picture. This was due to a burned out light engine, per the repair store. If the warranty had not covered it in the first 180 days, it would have been an $1800 dollar repair, plus labor.
The second issue is with the replacement and dispossal of the $230 lamps that contain mercury. You can't just toss these things into the trash. In the 3 years of ownership, I've gone through four lamps, each costing at least $230, at a cost of roughly a thousand dollars. In 3 situations I had to go through the internet to purchase new lamps. Shipping at first from Mitsubishi took 3 weeks.
This last problem that I am in the middle of now is the dreaded blinking green light on the front. Per several investigative websites(Consumer Affairs, etc.), blinking green light is caused by two different types of situations. The first situation is that one of the two cpu's on the device is not in synchronization with the other cpu. Ergo no fix, just replace the item. The other situation is with the 4 capacitors on the mainboard, either the 4 caps will need to be replaced by new capacitors, and/or the mainboard will need to be replaced.
Minimum cost of repair for the last problem has been estimated at least at $1000 plus labor. The problem is that any solution starts with recognizing a design flaw during manufacturing. The tv sets were assembled with inadequate parts, per some investigatory websites. The parts themselves do not function adequately in the environment created by the rest of the parts inside the tv. The capacitors alone were not meant to handle the electrical load of the mainboard.
There is one positive, the glare is not as much of a problem with this model.Buy Mitsubishi WD-65731 65-Inch 1080p DLP HDTV!