I purchased this set for my parents and was so astouhnded by the picture quality, the cripness, the wide range of viewing angles - without losing quality, the surround sound clairity.... i could go on... that I had to purchase one for my OWN home!
The price and other site reviews was my main reasoning behind selecting THIS unit to purchase... and I'm glad I did!
The other reviewer sounds pretty disgruntled over his set. Well, just as any car can drive down the road & have a tire come in contact with a piercing nail, that ANY AND ALL LCD SCREENS run the risk of a dead pixel in it's lifetime, no matter WHO the mfg is.
Neither my parents, nor myself have had any probelms with our units.
...and I can not tell you how many positive comments we've received from people who have personally witnessed it's mind-blowing experience by watching this huge screen!
I would highly recommend this! JVC did a fine job with this one!
The remote and functions contained in the menu are very user-friendly, also, which helped my parents...who are not the most tech-savvy!
Buy JVC HD-61Z886 61" Widescreen HD-ILA HDTV!