I am not a very knowledgeable electronic buff - but have been fantasizing about buying a HDTV for a couple of years now.
Since the choices are so many, it was a fun job trying to find out about them - at the same time very confusing. Finally, I did decide on Samsung DLP - the only question was which model I should be going for :-)
The HLP 56" is just about right for my family room -- has a very good viewing angle, has no real issue with room brightness. The quality of standard TV via Satellite depends on the different channels. (I use component cable for Satellite and DVI cable for DVD) Some channels appear better than others. HD programs are fantastic. The default color settings were a bit to greenish for my liking. The TV is lighter compared to my standard 29" TV. The PIP feature is cool. The TV was almost "plug-and-play" - didnt need too much tinkering to get the basic features working (for normal non-electronic buffs who wonder if a HDTV has to be always set-up and tuned by a professional).
I also bought a Samsung Progressive Scan HD 841 DVD player -- a good combo with this TV. (And the good thing is that this comes with the DVI cable in the package)
Some Cons I noticed:
# The remote lacks a backlight feature - since I like watching my DVDs by darkening the room - its frustrating to grope around the buttons.
# There seems to be some humming noice - like a fan rotating when the TV is on mute (or volume very low) - not too noticeable - but present all the same.
# The feature wherein you can change the source or the TV display size make you cycle though ALL the possible choices instead of poviding a "drop-down" ike UI to choose the one you are looking for directly - this becomes fustrating if you are the type who constantly change you TV display and source (between Satellite, Antenna, DVD etc.)
# Very little to no documentation on fine tuning the system available .. what exists is definelty enough to get a nice viewing experience - but if u want more fine grained control - dont bother reading the documentation to find out how.
But all-in-all its a great TV and I hope to enjoy it for a long time !!
Buy Samsung HLP5674W 56-Inch HD-Ready DLP Projection TV!