There's no contest, and it's a crying shame that these sets are a fast dying breed. 1080p, 120hz, HDMI 1.3 support, and an inherently faster refresh rate than ANY LCD panel produced and you've got by far and beyond the absolute best HDTV to reproduce any blu-ray that exists.
Having seen blu-ray on 120hz LCDs, I quickly developed a distaste for the image which due to the problems inherent in digital displays, the look and feel of film had completely disappeared. Pirates of The Carribean: At World's End, looked like it was shot with a nice HD Camera and forgot to undergo the post production processing that makes it film.
However, when it comes to watching HD Video (like HD off-air broadcasts or HD Satellite TV) this set is no slouch. Watching college football on ESPN or CBS will make you cry and almost forget about buying season tickets. The color palette is incredible and the blacks are BLACK, not dark gray or charcoal.
For reference sake, I'm using a Dishnetwork ViP 211 HD Satellite receiver, a Pioneer BDP-51FD Blu-Ray player (best you can by for under $1000, I promise you) and both are jacked in with Accell Ultra Pro AV 2m HDMI 1.3 cables, capable of slinging 10.2 Gbits per second, just like the Monster Cable 1000 HDMI cables for 3 times the price.
I have no regrets. You can take your LCDs and shove 'em!!Buy Samsung HLT5087SAX 50-Inch Slim LED Engine 1080p DLP HDTV!